– One important aspect to design a system either technical or non-technical, it
helps business grow. Business or technology comes at a juncture where without
scaling each other one cannot move forward without other. Scale means building systems that could cater to the business needs
for a certain period of time. There is no point in building a system for 1000 people
when your target is 100 from 10. Scale is a time dependent variable and changes
constantly. Similarly in technology, you scale up or down and that’s how the
cloud is leveraged. There may are many tools, techniques designs available. One
simple technique that I came across techniques which very simple and efficient
that could be leveraged is the use of Game
Theory based Job allocation/load balancing in Distributed System .
This paper uses a technique of ‘Nash Equilibrium’
which states that in games, if there are several players; the move of one
should benefit every other person or should not be a disadvantage to others.
Either there is a benefit or no benefit but there is no loss. Using this
technique, a very simple processes could be set up that could scale up to few
millions of records.
set up consists of a configuration file, a job allocation process, the main
process which processes the document and a reallocation process.
Job Allocation (Job
Main Process - That processes the document for example :
parsing a document
Re allocation or
redistribution of jobs
could be written using any of the languages (Java, Perl, Python etc.) and has
been tested for crawling half a million records in less than 2 hours. The
process could further be improved to less than 10 minutes using Pareto
principle and could be used to run frequently the crawler. The allocation
process allocates jobs to the machines according to machine ids. The main
process processes the document and the reallocation process reallocates the jobs
at regular interval of time. The allocation and reallocation process is
scheduled on every machine at different intervals of time so that even if one
machine fails it is processed after some time on a different machine. The main
process is run at regular interval of time on every machine. This is the
differentiator from the master slave architecture.
Advantages of using this system
Scalable :
The system could be easily scaled by adding a machine within 5 minutes
2. Optimization:
system was using all the resources (RAM & CPU) at maximum efficiency all
the time.
Distributed and Fault tolerant: It works on distributed model.
No advanced technology is required.
Problem Statement
us say we have few millions of rows and we need to process these data which are
independent of each other.
· Let us assume we have
X machines (for simplicity let’s say 4 – M1, M2, M3, M4)
· On each machine, max
Y processes can be run (Y can be different on each Machine. Let’s assume
constant for each machine say 10)
· Max Number of
processes that can be run simultaneously = Sum of (Yi) (40 in this
·We have say thousands
or lakhs of rows of documents (Assume 1000 rows). These documents need to be
processed on different machines.
1. Basic Configuration
· On each machine, a
configuration is set for
-the maximum number of processes that shall be run simultaneously. This needs
to be done based on the memory consumption by doing some random experiments on
the machine by executing the code.
– Machine ID allocated to that machine.
2. Allocation
o Divide
the number of rows with the number of machines. (1000/4=250 in this case)
o Each
of the rows (document) has varying length. It is assumed that the length of the
document is also stored while allocating to the machines.
o Allocation
is done by assigning a machine id to each of the document, it will be uniform
among the number of machines i.e 250 per machine (Figure 1)
o Execute
this process every 15 minutes on the four machines only if the allocated
processes have completed their job. This ensures even if 1 machine fails, it
will get executed after 15 minutes on another machine.
3. Process Execution
·Execute the document
processes every minute or two. When
executing ensures that you read the documents as per the sorted order -
·Ensure that the
maximum processes are running on each machine as per the configuration. As soon
as one of the processes gets over, the other process kicks off as it is
executed every minute. This ensures
maximum utilization of the servers.
· As the time
progresses, due to varying length of the document, network latency, slowness on
servers due to unforeseen circumstances, the number of documents varies for
each machine. (As shown in figure 2)
· Due to this
redistribution of documents need to be done. This is done as follows
i.Take the number of
documents allocated per machine at that time. Let’s say M1 – 100, M2 -150, M3-175,
ii. Select 2 machines
that has the lowest and highest number of documents pending to process – Here it is M1 & M4, sum the count and
divide it by two, = (100+200)/2 = 150. So M1 & M2 should get 150 each. This
needs to be done removing the 20 documents by ascending order and allocating it
to M1 ( As shown in figure)
iii. Similarly for M2
& M3 - 162 each
· Execute this process
every 5 minutes or so. And, set this up on every machine. So, that even if 1
machine fails, it is taken up on another machine after 5 minutes.
· This ensures load
distribution, fault tolerant, scalable and helps to utilize the processes
effectively.(Figure 3)
article provides a mechanism which is fault tolerant, easily scalable, and
distributed and uses a Game Theory technique that could process data worth half
a million news articles in couple of hours. The same system can be leveraged to
other processes as well.
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